55$/h in Mobile development. How to keep your reply rate while having above-average pricing? SolidAppMaker case + memes!
Many people are scared to raise their hourly rates because it of course will result a lower conversion. It's indeed a challenge. I consult many mobile teams but SolidAppMaker is a very positive and unique one. Their owner John always smiles even when our experiments don't finish well.
Daisy and John have around 50 invites per month and their profiles are outstanding. You can see them quite often in top searches.

However, their rate gives us a challenge compared to other 35-40 $ per hour teams.
So what we had before is around 5% per month while view rate was quite normal - 18-20%

And here are our results after a lot of experiments - 10% reply. And we are not going to stop.

Here are some tips what can you do:
- Show a very relevant experience. For example, separate your scanners by niches and show a very similar expertise there.
- Be creative and humanish. Don't write long default cover letters. Maybe change them for holiday seasons
- Separate niches and tech stacks between accounts so they will be very accurate and will match with the client's category
- Play with the hourly rate you are applying with (maybe put the maximum client wants and then show your senior expertise
- Find jobs missed by your competitors. Instruction is here
There is a new video Top 10 Agency Mistakes in Ukrainian but with English subtitles here
and MEMES!

Who deserved coffee?
