How to keep your lead talking?

How to keep your lead talking?
Photo by Blake Wisz / Unsplash

Yesterday I had a call where the main question was "How to keep your lead talking?"

First of all, all questions like that are coming from the unconfidence and some statistics that potential clients are stopping answering in the middle of a conversation.

If you don't want long reads, here is what this article will be about(however, you may miss some of my bright memes):

  1. Give them a next step➡️ 🚶‍♂️
  2. Use open questions❓🔓
  3. Send them summaries📝✉️
  4. Mix your conversation with personal talks (not stalking!)💬👥
  5. Book your availability📅📆🕑
  6. Accept that you can lose someone💔😔

  1. Give them a next step➡️ 🚶‍♂️

So let's start from the point of the Next Step. Clients are not obligable to know what is inside your head. Noone is obligable. And, of course, then you are upset: "Why did he go with another team? I was waiting for his answer!"Just he didn't know that you were...
Your conversation should be like an easy journey because of your clear instructions. Don't leave your lead alone. Give hom the next step

For example, what's wrong with the following dialogue?

Your lead doesn't know when you will come back. He may choose another team to work with while you were thinking you will be back during 24 hours. So say it! Would he know that "get back to you during 24 hours" he will wait to know one more price.

The same is after estimation is sent. Do you expect that client will definitely answer yes/no/something else? He doesn't need it. You do! Let him know what do you expect:

  • Please, check and let me know what would you like to add?
  • When would you like to go through together?
  • Would you need a help with acceptance criteria?
  • I have a developer to start next week if you could check and let me know tomorrow.

2. Use open questions❓🔓

Unlike closed questions that elicit one-word responses, open questions invite individuals to share their thoughts, ideas, and experiences. I read in one book "What every body is saying?" that "what"is the most powerful start of question even with criminals an terrorists.

Busy people may just swallow your closed question inside their mind while quick reading while open questions are most likely will be answered. It's a sales trick, and it works.

Also do it at the end of your bids! Stop doing this "let's discuss job details" thing.

3. Send them summaries📝✉️

Oh! You love that! Nah, I know-know but when you have a summary of what did you discuss and what did you agree on, you are always one step ahead. Also, at the end of your email, you always can write the next step OR the open question to continue the dialogue.

Why is it important? Summary email is a powerful tool that allows you to remind and structure data you got from the client AND get his agreement or which is even better for future dialogues - disagreements.

4. Mix your conversation with personal talks (not stalking!)💬👥

Try to learn about your clients before the call. Today I was on a call with a person who dances boogie. I found it on his Facebook. I was ready to start talking about my bachata and his boogie any moment, but we found another natural topic for the small chitchat. Knowing your client can help the atmosphere but don't start act like a stalker!

5. Book your availability📅📆🕑

The thing he is a client doesn't mean he is a god or the king. For sure, we all play our roles and serve people when we sell the service, however, to be sure you are going to end up working with him, ask him, should you book your developer/designer for the next week/month/summer?

6. Accept that you can lose someone💔😔

Don't be so sad. Just count your statistics! Your conversion and money at the end of the month should be the only thing to understand your success. Please, consider any CRM system as a powerful tool to be sure your process is right.

