How to onboard a new designer to your product team

My process of the new designer onboarding

How to onboard a new designer to your product team
Photo by Mapbox / Unsplash

As I wrote in a previous post, my previous designer resigned and soon I will get a new one. It's always hard to proceed with an ongoing project rather than start from scratch. The Product Manager's goal is to make it smooth for all departments.🀝

I've started by creating an onboarding list of tasksπŸ“:

The most important part is to explain how our team works at all, so I have for that a communication doc, the part of it for example:

I also have an explanatory video πŸ“Ή for that, I feel some people are better remember while listeningπŸ‘‚

The next part is to be clear about what we expect for delivery. For example in our team, these are XD files and Zeplin links with each screen desktop, tablet portrait, tablet landscape, and mobile versions. πŸ“±

I also expect to see all versions of pages with opened dropdowns, errors, no data options.
Usually when I am creating tasks, I don't need to mention it, I need only to list the task and/or changes so that's why we have a rules docπŸ“œ:

I don't know for today, who will my designer be, however, the main part of Product work is to create clarity and these are my tips on how to do it. Cheers, guys!πŸ–